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Old 11-09-2004, 10:11 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
Question Migration from Windows to Linux questions?

Hello people,

I am using Windows XP Pro operating system but want to change to Linspire 4.5. To do this, is all I have to do is download the IOS file via p2p and burn it to disc. Then run it?

Or am I being completly ignorant and missing something important to do?

Can I also ask linux users what are the big differences In Linspire 4.5? Is it rated amongst hardcore computer enthusiasts?

I am quite new to C++, is there some benefits to this OS?

Is there a direct link download for it?

Thanks for your time in advance!
Old 11-09-2004, 10:26 PM   #2
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 583

Rep: Reputation: 33
the gcc (gnu c compiler (contains g++ their c++ compiler) is a pretty powerful compiler, and gdb (gnu debugger) is excellent.

Even more to the point, I've heard EMACS is amazing for coding in.

As for computer enthusiasts? Well they'd probably download and use a distribtuion that was trying to be it's self, not trying to be as easy as possible to install like linspire does. Not that other distributions are hard to install.

If you've never installed an OS (including windows) before then sure, stick with linspire (although I'd still recommend mandrake or if you're confident debian or slackware), but if you actually know what's inside your computer (and if you're doing c++ I hope you do) then go for a distribution which will perhaps be less quick to patronise you.

As for installation, I can't speak for linspire, but for slackware you just burn the ISOs to disk, boot to CD1, then from there it tells you how to create a linux partition and install, an hour or so later you have a working GNU/linux OS.

I strongly (and I cannot recommend this enough) whatever distro you get, head to freenode IRC and join their channel; unless it's debian (they're a bunch of asses in there) they'll probably be quite receptive and helpful.


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