mediawiki setup on fedora core 5 (noob here)
Let me start off with some history.
I’m an IT guy, I have only used windows and decided to try out Linux fedora core 5 finally.
Installing fedora was simple and straight forward. But in the add and remove section I have noticed that I can set up a wiki page.
Now being a noob I thought by clicking the add that the program would run.
But with Linux I am learning this is not the case
I have been searching and googling a step by step process I need to do to be able to run the wiki off fedora core 5 but I can’t find anything.
Please any one that can help me with a guide to running mediawiki with the default install on fedora core 5 I would be forever in your debt.
I have been searching for days and getting very frustrated with Linux. Being a windows guy isn’t helping I bet.
Please any help would be great.
After using the add and remove area to install mediawiki where do I go to configure or even finish the setup?