I'm running Mediatomb 0.12.0 on Debian 6.0.5
My problem is that when MT is accessed over network it doesn't display national characters correctly, so these files can't be played.
System uses UTF-8.
I think this is because MT uses ISO-8859 not UTF-8.
I added
<scripting script-charset="UTF-8">
in /etc/mediatomb/config.xml and restarted Mediatomb, but it doesn't help. Every post I've read about this kind of problem states it does the trick but not for me.
The reason for why I think MT still uses ISO-8859 is that I have one directory with music files created with ISO-8859 - they display correctly in MT. They *don't* display correctly in terminal though.
All other files are created on this server with UTF-8, they don't display correctly when accessed over network - but they *do* display correctly in terminal.