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Old 10-07-2005, 03:56 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question Media authoring in Linux

As part of my career and hobbies, I write and produce music (Reason, FL Studio, Cakewalk), render 3d animations (Maya, 3DSMax, Shade), do video production (Premiere, After Effects), imaging (PhotoShop, Draw, Painter), web site and app creation (Dreamweaver, Flash, php, asp), and general app dev (C++, VB) on an almost daily basis.
Because of the huge library of production software I need, I've used various versions of Windows as they came out. Currently XP and 2003. There's only one problem.. I really dislike Windows and I have no interest in switching to Mac. None at all. I did fall in love with LInux back in 2000, but I've had no choice but to leave it on the side due to the lack of all the software I use that's Win based.
5 years is a long time, and with high hopes I've installed LInux as a dual-boot OS on my main personal machine (and is used more than XP).

What options are availible for graphics, video, webdev, and sound? Unfortuneately, the days of using Notepad to create sites is over since we need something to tie it all together. And I've heard of Gimp, which could take care of my raster graphics needs. Does anyone have some recommendations? Is there a specific distro that would make media creation easier? Any ideas at all would be well appreciated.
Old 10-07-2005, 05:47 AM   #2
Registered: Feb 2004
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There are too many apps to just list.

For web creation you have:
Mozilla has good tools for this
and on and on

for visual media you have of course:
The Gimp

Audacity for audio

There are tons of apps for 3d nowadays

Try these pages just for starters:

As for a distro, Anything Debian based will get you up quick and easy with
good package management.
Old 10-07-2005, 05:53 AM   #3
LQ Guru
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There is a free program for 3d animation called Blender. Your distro probalby has it already or you could go the the website. Some of the commercial programs you mentioned may have linux versions. ( Did you mean Shake? ). A previous version of Blender had a game engine that a user on the web could download and view live animations, but I don't know if that is still supported. Most video post-production programs run on the Mac. I don't know if Apple's decision to go to Intel chips will change things however.

You may need to keep a windows machine on the network for some programs that you can't find a suitable replacement for. Perhaps as you become more proficient on one Linux tool, it could replace a Windows tool.

Last edited by jschiwal; 10-07-2005 at 05:56 AM.
Old 10-07-2005, 07:08 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thank you, this is definitely a lot to read up on and research.. a very good start. I just need to figure out the video capabilities of LInux now (firewire support?). And yeah, not that I'd invest in a Mac at home but I can't really picture Final Cut on an Intel.
I was actually referring to Shade by E-Frontier. They just released version 8 which I've yet to get my hands on. It's a production quality character and architectural modelling/rendering package. E-Frontier actually used to be Curious Labs (Poser 5) believe it or not. But anyway, that's a bit off-topic.
I guess I could see about some good Linux games perhaps to get an idea of the graphics areas. Being a programmer I can say I'm learning very quickly how everything works, but what'll take some time is learning what it can do and what is out there.


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