Thats the whole point of the MD5 sum - its alerting you that something *may* be amiss.
The unfortunate truth is nothing is 100% hacker proof so even if you download it from there is a chance (however small) that the server may have been hacked.
if you changed a single bit in say a 50MB file the MD5 sum will be different.
You may have had a single(or more) corrupt bit in your download.
But a hacker might have backdoor'd the software. I can't tell you which it is
>>everything should be ok though, right?
Should be. But like I say a hacker may have 0wn3d it.
If you are paranoid when it comes to hackers un-install the updates and try again, otherwise just assume it was slightly corrupt.
paranoid in this case is interchangeable with smart
Last edited by skunkburner; 02-10-2005 at 02:37 PM.