Need Help Installing Matlab
Hi I have successfully installed matlab 2008a (is a student version) on ubuntu 8.10. When i go to run run matlab i get this error:
ubuntuorrin@ubuntuorrin:~$ Documents/matlab2008/bin/matlab matlab
License checkout failed.
License Manager Error -39
User/host not on INCLUDE list for MATLAB.
Contact your License Administrator to review the Options File.
Troubleshoot this issue by visiting:
Diagnostic Information:
Feature: MATLAB
License path: /home/ubuntuorrin/.matlab/R2008a_licenses:/home/ubuntuorrin/Documents/matlab2008/licenses/license.da
FLEXnet Licensing error: -39,147.
It is probably something to do with the wrong license path, I have tried to visit the support sites and I'm afraid I just have been unsuccessful. if anyone could "How To" format a response I would greatly appreciate it.