Mapping keypresses to buttonpresses
I would like to do the following:
Pressing F9 is equivalent to pressing mouse button 1 (Left),
and releasing F9 is equivalent to releasing mouse button 1.
Similarly for F10 <-> button 2, and F11 <-> button 3.
I'm running Debian Woody 3 (mostly KDE), Knoppix 3.6,
and RH9, on different machines of course.
The mouse is a Logitech Trackman Wheel
(I got the wheel working) but I would imagine the solution
would be independent of mouse type (dependent on # buttons
of course).
I've tried xmodmap with F9 & Pointer_Button1,
as well as keycodes -> didn't work. The AccessX stuff
build into X is not what I'm looking for.
My objective is to reduce the number of times I need to
move my hand to the mouse, as well as simplifying window
resize and other drag-like operations which require motion
while holding down a mouse button (apparently some mice
now have drag-lock buttons, but I don't have that.)