Hi all. I work for a company and we process files by hand (it would take a long time to explain why) factory style. Our employees are timed on their workstation for how long it takes to process one file.
Anyway, it is factory style in the fact that we have different points of sale/resellers, etc etc. So the work comes in from several different places. Right now we have no way to Que the work except just to email the production manager a few days in advance and work out with the clients when their work will be done. I would like some software (maybe MRP, or ERP style) to put job sizes in the que, estimated by time, where other people in different geographic areas (web interface) can log-in and see what is in the work que for next few days to get an idea of how busy we are, and so we can balance our workload efficiently over a few days, instead of being drowned one day, and nothing to do the next.
I realize MRP software might do this, but it has a lot of other stuff we don't need, although automated invoice sending to resellers would nice too.
any suggestions appreciated. thanks.