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Old 09-07-2004, 11:55 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Distribution: Mandrake 2007
Posts: 109

Rep: Reputation: 15
Mandrake vs, let's say, Red Hat

A couple years ago or a little longer I bought Red Hat: $175.00 bacarrunes(Dolllars)! Wow! The selling point? Web, email, and I don't what other servers, 3 months support, 3 free phone calls, etc. Later I realized that there are some distro that are much easier to use. One example is Mandrake. When I bought Red Hat setting the web server was a pain you know where. The DNS server? Double pain now you know where. Etc. As a result of all these pains I ended up calling Red Hat. The point here is that Red Hat is difficult to be setup on purpose. Now we all know that Red Hat came out with another version: Fedora Core. Sure, this is the free version guys/gals, you want the good one, Red Hat? The one that IBM use? Pay big green Dollars and we help you to set up you server. To me this smell like pure Microsoft Windows. In the Microsoft world wherever you go, everything smell money. On the other side, Mandrake is so easy to install that everything start working just fine "out the box." The DNS server works, the web server works, etc.
Fedora core does not even have the iptables installed! Plus the GUI is kind of rough. Someone might say: no pain no gain, true, but why don't put together something ready go be use, and use the pain to advance and not reinvent the wheel.
I don't want to ramble too much against Red Hat, but just think for a moment and see what Red Hat is doing with something that was born free and is suppose to remain "free." I finally switched to Linux, and I spend sometime trying to master it, Windows is pain to the power of 10, and so is Red Hat!


Last edited by raxxal; 09-08-2004 at 12:04 AM.
Old 09-08-2004, 12:02 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 27

Rep: Reputation: 15
Ack! $175 bones?! With sites like don't let tech support be your determining factor. Sure it might take a little more work to come find your answer, but you will likely learn it better in the end anyhow.

And sure your MDK box might come 'working' right out of the box but to do that you are probably running 1000 things that allow that same outcome on all our machines.

You could argue that you just want it to work without the hassle and to that I wouldnt argue. To each his own I 'spose.


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