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Old 10-18-2004, 01:33 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: USF
Distribution: Mandrake 10
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Angry Mandrake 10 Updates Garble Quake 3 Display

(first post @ linuxquestions)
I'm a newbie at linux so I installed Mandrake 10 because of it's ease of installing, configuring, etc. I managed to install and configure properly the Nvidia drivers for my GeForce 2 MMX400. I also compiled a linux copy of Quake 3 Arena Point release v1.32. Everything ran fine (great framerate and everything). But- today I got the great idea of running the update program for mandrake 10 (to take care of any security issues, bugs, etc) and now Quake III runs funny. It doesn't crash, but the 3d models are all garbled, and it is very diffucult to exit because the menu system becomes affected as well after spawning.

I ran Tuxracer to see if the Nvidia drivers are the problem- it ran great as usual.

Any ideas?

Old 10-18-2004, 02:00 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
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Admin (funny name),

Although tux racer runs good... I'd still recommending re-installing youre vid card drivers and possibly Q3.

I'm not an expert in Linux either, however, it should help eliminate a few questions before you start targetting Q3.

It's impossible to know what of you system was modified if you ran an automated installation. I'd assume it was nothing to do with you're vid card, but you know what they say about assumptions.

I've seen these issues before with bad / mismatched drivers and such under windows with both the Q2 and Q3 engines.

Good luck, and post back even if you fix it so other's can know what to expect.
Old 10-18-2004, 02:12 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Distribution: Mandrake 10
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Talking Lo and Friggin' Behold: (thank you)

Well- the last thing that I thought of (reinstalling the NVidia drivers) did the trick. I can rocket up some fresh gibs to my heart's content.

Thanks Larry!


ps- wierd name indeed.
Old 10-18-2004, 02:41 AM   #4
Registered: Jul 2004
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Distribution: Sidux , Debian, Haiku, PC-BSD, CentOS --> XenExpress
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Re: Lo and Friggin' Behold: (thank you)

Originally posted by aminreborn
Well- the last thing that I thought of (reinstalling the NVidia drivers) did the trick. I can rocket up some fresh gibs to my heart's content.

Thanks Larry!


ps- wierd name indeed.
Everytime that you are updating the linux kernel, you have to reinstall the nvidia kernel drivers.
This because nvidia makes a device driver for your graphic card from the kernel sources, and you probably had a new kernel installed?

So if new kernel, then reinstall nvidia driver again.


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