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Old 01-31-2009, 01:10 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Florida
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 94

Rep: Reputation: 15
make-kpkg comes to work, but finds nothing to do

Not sure if this is the right forum, but none mention kernel issues...

I am experimenting with different options for the kernel in preparation for ultimately trying to get a root-on-LVM installation working (and wondering what difference various preemption algorithms make), and am having some basic problems. I am using the 2.6.18 source with the P4 processor family and 4 gig memory. Here are the anomalies:

1. First and foremost, make-kpkg --initrd tells me there's nothing to do and won't build anything. It built the first time after I unpacked the source, and that was it. Spending a lot of google time only has shown me I'm not the only one to have this problem, but I've found no solution. I've tried make clean, make mrproper, and deleteing 'debian' in the source directory, and, in all cases, make-kpkg thinks for a while, spits out some stuff that doesn't *seem* to be relavant, then comes back and says nothing to do. make deb-pkg works, but I have to build the initrd separately and I have no idea what I may be missing by not using make-kpkg (although it does boot and I'm working under a new kernel now).

2. On boot, I get two messages, and can't find where in "make menuconfig" to fix them: "unknown file system type 'devfs'", and "sbp2 ieee1394 driver forced to serialize I/O". The first seems to be (according to google) because I'm using udev but have devfs compiled into the kernel. I can't find anywhere to get rid of it in the kernel (using "make menuconfig"). For the other message, it is, of course, the firewire, but I can't find any option that seems to "un-serialize" the I/O.

On question #2, it would be nice if there was an index somewhere that cross-referenced all the options with where they were in menuconfig, a la apropos. Is there such a thing? Although I'm beginning to think both of these may be module issues.

Old 01-31-2009, 02:27 PM   #2
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Registered: Nov 2006
Distribution: Debian Linux 11 (Bullseye)
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Here's my kernel make script:
make-kpkg clean
fakeroot make-kpkg --append_to_version -k8 --revision=0.1 --initrd kernel_image
Have you seen this page yet?

There is a Linux-Kernel forum under software, but it's OK.
Old 01-31-2009, 08:01 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Florida
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Thank you! I see I left off my kernel-package argument. That did it! Any insight (if you're so inclined) on #2?

Thanks again!
Old 01-31-2009, 10:06 PM   #4
Senior Member
Registered: Nov 2006
Distribution: Debian Linux 11 (Bullseye)
Posts: 3,410

Rep: Reputation: 141Reputation: 141
Originally Posted by anw View Post
Thank you!
Or, you could hit the little thumbs up icon and I get a "thank you" point.

I see I left off my kernel-package argument. That did it! Any insight (if you're so inclined) on #2?
I found another thread where the OP thought it was related to initrd. Do you have initramfs-tools installed? I haven't looked through all the packages listed in the how-to, but I'm pretty sure you need that. You do have "Initial RAM filesystem..." enabled in .config, right?

Speaking of .config, where did you get yours? Did copy the config for the booted kernel to .config in your source tree before running "make oldconfig" and then make-kpkg...?
Old 02-01-2009, 10:49 AM   #5
Registered: Sep 2003
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I do have all the initial ram filesystem stuff enabled. The reason I'm doing this is because I got a brand new 1 TB SATA drive, and I'm preparing to see if I can install linux on it on an LVM root partition, so I need all that initial ram fs stuff (although I'm not sure I really understand it at this point; if I am successful in my ultimate project, I'll probably know way more about it than I want to

So what happened here was in the process of tracking down what my #1 problem was, I realized I'm on the 2.6.18 kernel, and the latest rev is 2.6.26, so I'm upgrading to that first, then see if #2, above, is still a problem.

In the meantime, yesterday something came over the transom that has generated a new installation problem I'm posting right now!

Thanks for the help, and I did ding the thumbs up! I didn't know about it until you mentioned it, so thanks for letting me know.


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