Not solved...
After all that getting it compiled and installed it has wreaked havoc with the system preferences...specifically the file associations for streaming audio....PLS files...
I keep getting the message that whenever I click on a playlist that the deault player is not installed...
I deleted the plugin installation (best I could)...apt-get remove xmms...deleted byhand tall the associations in KDE preferences...
Reinstalled the regular XMMS package...uninstall, reinstall....
I'm ripping my hair out!...No matter what...wehnI click on a playlist I get the error message....
FInally I saved the playlist to desktop...clicked on it there...XMMS starts and plays the remote stream with the error message MESSAGE: DEVICE: DEFAULT.....that's it nothing else to specify what the problem is....
Does anyone have any idea what I need to do to get this resolved? Beyond a complete system re-install (which I'm so frustrataed at this point I'm ready to do yet still reluctant as this is a QUAD-boot)?
EDIT: p.s. I was getting a message about libmikmodso.2 earlier but solved that by finally loading the package
EDIT2: Here's the exact message, it seems to be from KDE;
Download Error - /tmp/shoutcast-playlist.pls could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.
As I said I've worked over the preferences repeatedly to no's as if KDE is not saving the changes?
Last edited by Khepri; 02-18-2006 at 11:25 PM.