Lvm2 On Slackware 10.2
O.K. I feel like an idiot. Am trying to get LVM2 working on Slackware 10.2 (Slack 10.2 installed and running with kernel).
Downloaded LVM2.2.02.02.tgz and device-mapper.1.02.03.tgz and used installpkg to install them
Used make menuconfig to select LVM support (compiled into the kernel). Verified .config has CONFIG_MD=y and CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM=y. Ran make bzImage, make modules, make modules_install. Copied the new bzImage and to /boot. Updated /etc/lilo.conf. Ran lilo. Rebooted. So far so good.
When I try to run vgscan I get a message that says the LVM driver is not loaded.
This shouldn't be that hard. What am I doing wrong?