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Old 07-19-2003, 05:33 PM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Distribution: Gentoo / NetBSD
Posts: 1,251

Rep: Reputation: 45
Lucien Beta Release (please break it)

This is to answer all those who post questions about how to best manage their pile of MP3 and OGG files.

Lucien has been in the making for about 2 months and has had a beta release over at I invite everyone to check it out and let me know if there are any problems (of which I'm sure there are). Oh!, and contrary to the documentation you do not need to follow any kind of crazy install instructions. But instead just the usual ./configure; make; make install

But you will need the id3lib installed before hand. A copy of its source can be had from Lucien's file page.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me with this project.


** to moderators **
would this maybe be a good idea for a new forum: application / project announcements?

Last edited by jpbarto; 07-19-2003 at 05:40 PM.
Old 07-20-2003, 01:50 PM   #2
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Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
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ok first problem. When I load up my mp3 directory and monitor ALL of my files (1260) (really its not THAT many, I can only imagine how many others have) the interface becomes deathly sluggish.

I would imagine this is the result of loading 1,260 items or rows into the GtkCList that is the file list. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make the CList more efficient? For example when I scroll down it takes the CList a good second or two to redraw itself. Is there perhaps a more efficient way to store information in the CList such that it can redraw more quickly?

when adding data to the CList I'm using something like this:
gchar * list_item[5] = {"blah", "blah",...}

gtk_clist_append (GTK_CLIST (myCList), list_item);

is there a better way to do it? Something that will speed the redrawing of the screen?

any help is appreciated.

Old 07-21-2003, 10:45 AM   #3
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slow rendering problem solved. For all those writing GTK code... be sure when adding a GtkCList to a scrolled window to use the gtk_container_add method instead of the gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport.


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