When I try to create a new node or when I try tochange the layout I get a refresh of the current screen.
Somebody said to remove the header statement which conflicts under windows NT / IIS but I did that and It can't get past the index.php3 page. It won't take me to any ohter page, and I can't create any new messages on any of the pages.
If this log doesn't help then please tell me what I need in order to diagnose the problem.
Note this package is available from the following URL:
Being a newbie, I can't make heads or tails out of this problem.
Here is the Trace/Error Log:
Maybe somebody can tell me what is going on here:
function findlowestnode
Called with: ()
Returned 1
function displaylinks
called with: pin, 1, vertical
function displaylinks
called with: pin, 1, horizontal
function displaylinks
called with: jump, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, jump
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: jump, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, jump
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: parent, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: parent, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: child, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, child
Now returning the array of links
linkNodeID[Lucid License]=2
Returned: <br><a href="index.php3?request=displaypage&NodeID=2">Lucid License</a>
function displaylinks
called with: child, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, child
Now returning the array of links
linkNodeID[Lucid License]=2
Returned: | <a href="index.php3?request=displaypage&NodeID=2">Lucid License</a>
function displaylinks
called with: sibling, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: sibling, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displayicons
Called with 1, jariell
function displayhomeicon
Called with 1, jariell
function findlowestnode
Called with: ()
Returned 1
function displaypinicon
Called with 1, jariell
function displayediticon
Called with 1, jariell
function displaydeleteicon
Called with 1, jariell
<!-- Home Button --><a href="index.php3?request=displaypage&NodeID=1"><img src="graphics/home.png" border=0 alt="home"></a>
<form method="POST" action="index.php3"><input name="request" type="hidden" value=addpin><input name="NodeID" type="hidden" value=1><input name="submit" type="image" src="graphics/pin-left.png" border="0" align="right"></form><!-- Edit Button --><a href="index.php3?request=editnode&NodeID=1"><img src="graphics/pencil.png" border=0 alt="edit text"></a>
<!-- Delete Button --><a href="index.php3?request=deletenode&NodeID=1&confirmation=0"><img src="graphics/delete.png" border=0 alt="delete this note"></a>
function displaypinicon
Called with 1, jariell
function displayhomeicon
Called with 1, jariell
function findlowestnode
Called with: ()
Returned 1
function displayediticon
Called with 1, jariell
function displaydeleteicon
Called with 1, jariell
function findNodeTitle
Called with: 2
Returned: Lucid License
function findNodeTitle
Called with: 1
Returned: Home Node
function findNodeTitle
Called with: 2
Returned: Lucid License
function displaylogo called with jariell
Returned: <img src="graphics/logo.jpg">