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Old 01-13-2005, 02:58 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2003
Distribution: Fedora Core 3; Debian sarge 3.1
Posts: 37

Rep: Reputation: 15
Lucid Fried Eggs PHP/MySQL package won't work

I have just installed Lucid Fried Eggs from

If I try to change the layout it brings up the exact same layout as I started out with.

Another problem is that I can't store anything in Lucid Fried Eggs. I also can't create any new nodes or modify existing ones.

I'm using Debian Sarge 3.1, so I'm not using NT or IIS as you suggested in your setup.

I can reach the Lucid Fried Eggs main page, and I know that I can access the mysql database, because it is reading some text
from what's in the default database, on the main page of Lucid Fried Eggs.

Do you have any idea what's wrong?

I have MySQL 4.0.23-1
PHP 4.3.10-2
Apache 2.0.52-3

here's a working lucid fried eggs installation:

Here's the URL to the Lucid Fried Eggs software at

Lucid Fried Eggs is a non-hierarchical way of organizing notes, such as theBrain. It let's you create and link independent nodes together, so it is a sort of wiki using a non-hierarchical way of linking separate pages.

I have looked long and hard to find something like this so this is why I am trying to use it to organize my notes with.

webbrain is based on thebrain and here is a URL so that you can visualize what "Lucid Fried Eggs" does. You need Java pluguin installed to view webbrain to see this demo.

Last edited by jariep; 01-13-2005 at 06:46 PM.
Old 01-14-2005, 04:02 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2003
Distribution: Fedora Core 3; Debian sarge 3.1
Posts: 37

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
When I try to create a new node or when I try tochange the layout I get a refresh of the current screen.

Somebody said to remove the header statement which conflicts under windows NT / IIS but I did that and It can't get past the index.php3 page. It won't take me to any ohter page, and I can't create any new messages on any of the pages.

If this log doesn't help then please tell me what I need in order to diagnose the problem.

Note this package is available from the following URL:

Being a newbie, I can't make heads or tails out of this problem.

Here is the Trace/Error Log:

Maybe somebody can tell me what is going on here:

function findlowestnode
Called with: ()
Returned 1
function displaylinks
called with: pin, 1, vertical
function displaylinks
called with: pin, 1, horizontal
function displaylinks
called with: jump, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, jump
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: jump, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, jump
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: parent, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: parent, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: child, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, child
Now returning the array of links
linkNodeID[Lucid License]=2
Returned: <br><a href="index.php3?request=displaypage&NodeID=2">Lucid License</a>
function displaylinks
called with: child, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, child
Now returning the array of links
linkNodeID[Lucid License]=2
Returned: | <a href="index.php3?request=displaypage&NodeID=2">Lucid License</a>
function displaylinks
called with: sibling, 1, vertical
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displaylinks
called with: sibling, 1, horizontal
function getlinks
Called with: 1, parent
Now returning the array of links
function displayicons
Called with 1, jariell
function displayhomeicon
Called with 1, jariell
function findlowestnode
Called with: ()
Returned 1
function displaypinicon
Called with 1, jariell
function displayediticon
Called with 1, jariell
function displaydeleteicon
Called with 1, jariell
<!-- Home Button --><a href="index.php3?request=displaypage&NodeID=1"><img src="graphics/home.png" border=0 alt="home"></a>
<form method="POST" action="index.php3"><input name="request" type="hidden" value=addpin><input name="NodeID" type="hidden" value=1><input name="submit" type="image" src="graphics/pin-left.png" border="0" align="right"></form><!-- Edit Button --><a href="index.php3?request=editnode&NodeID=1"><img src="graphics/pencil.png" border=0 alt="edit text"></a>
<!-- Delete Button --><a href="index.php3?request=deletenode&NodeID=1&confirmation=0"><img src="graphics/delete.png" border=0 alt="delete this note"></a>

function displaypinicon
Called with 1, jariell
function displayhomeicon
Called with 1, jariell
function findlowestnode
Called with: ()
Returned 1
function displayediticon
Called with 1, jariell
function displaydeleteicon
Called with 1, jariell
function findNodeTitle
Called with: 2
Returned: Lucid License
function findNodeTitle
Called with: 1
Returned: Home Node
function findNodeTitle
Called with: 2
Returned: Lucid License
function displaylogo called with jariell
Returned: <img src="graphics/logo.jpg">

Last edited by jariep; 01-14-2005 at 04:03 PM.


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