I realize your your question made perfect since to you. But for the life of me I do not understand your goal
get the network mgr off the live CD...I've done the usual steps: Synaptic mgr. uncheck all areas that indicate net connectivity...Still when I reload the mgr. ubuntu wants to connect to the net!!!
a live cd is that a live cd and when you reboot it goes back to what is a system that runs from a cd so do all the changes then remaster your live cd.how reburn one from there program
what is the goal
I want this to happen but this happens
the programs you are talking about are the same thing pretty much. all changes done with the live cd will be erased after rebooting unless you build your own livcd remaster .
and of course when you reload the mngr it loads files you can not modify even if you wanted not even as sudo
if you do not want to use that device that connect to the internet just type sudo ifconfig eth0 down or what ever your net device is eth0 eth1 wlan0 wlan1 what ever and trust me it will not try to connect.