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Old 10-21-2004, 09:58 AM   #1
Registered: May 2003
Distribution: CentOS 5 64 bit
Posts: 255

Rep: Reputation: 30
Question Looking for software to run programs

I work for a small company that is currently revamping their computer systems and is openminded about switching to Linux from windows. We currently have a custom Windows program (no source) that runs in our factory. I need help finding a program will run in linux that will do the same job and tip the scales in Linux's favor.

I basically need a GUI from which the users on the factory floor can access their programs. I envision a full screen interface with several Icons that allow access programs they need but doesn't let them go anywhere else. Does anybody know of a open source program that fits this description? I'm sure that any program out there will have to be rewritten somewhat but I need a starting point.

Please help me out this is my chance to remove windows competely from my life.

Old 10-22-2004, 11:58 AM   #2
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You could set up a user to have a chroot jail. You basically set up a complete directory structure (with /bin, /lib and so on) out of which the user cannot move. In this structure you have the programs and files that the user should have access to.

You can easily set up an X desktop with icons for easy access to whatever programs the people on the floor use. You could also let them customize this themselves, but of course that would detract from the effective work time.

Old 10-22-2004, 01:30 PM   #3
Registered: May 2003
Distribution: CentOS 5 64 bit
Posts: 255

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Rep: Reputation: 30
The higer ups in the company think it is important to stick with an interface similar to the windows based version that we are running now. The reason is that we have some very computer illiterate end users in our plant and I agree that a familiar system will alleiviate a lot of problems. The problem with the current system (other than being windows 95 based) is that it was a custom piece of software and we cannot find the person who wrote it or the source. With 2000 which my company currently has the program is pretty unstable. They are going to upgrade to either linux or XP and upgrade the plants program launcher at the same time. It seems like a pretty simple operation to me (its basically just a full screen program laucher). So I figure one of you out there could help me find a similar program and tip the scales in favor of linux.

Here is what the program looks like.
It is a full screen program launcher. Just a black background with oversized icons. No Taskbar or desktop
When a program is selected it launches it in a full screen window and on exit goes back to the laucher.
Different areas of the plant have different programs available.

Let me know if this rings a bell for anyone or if you know how to do it.


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