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Old 11-02-2004, 08:59 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 6

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Login & then Out of Multiple Dialup Accounts

Hi Peeps,

Sorry if I am posting this request into the wrong topic but I really need your expert help.

I work for a exhibition company who have several (50+) PAYG (Pay As You Go) Dialup accounts.

Because they are all PAYG accounts they need to be dialled into every 60 days otherwise they all get suspended and have to call the helpline and wait for 20mins for them to get re-activated.

Is there a program for Linux or Windows or a script that I can make or use to dial up the internet using ISDN (Eicon PCI Card - Can get the drivers for linux) and ping a server then disconnect and dial the next one on the list?

Any help is a great help.


Old 11-12-2004, 05:10 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 6

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Just a BUMP! ( I know its not good to do it but had too)

Can someone help me plz

Old 11-12-2004, 07:22 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Texas
Distribution: slackware
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There is a program called DWUN (modem dialer daemon) which I believe can be scripted to do this. I think it comes with a command line client. It sounds like you will need a database type file with user names and passwords to feed to the ppp daemon as an option (user or name, and password, I think). The pap-secrets file may be what you need for this. Basically, a shell script calling a chat script is what you are looking for, so a dialer program may not be needed. From my limited knowledge, the difficult part is understanding the conventions of setting the various options, but be sure you understand the "call" ppp option. Sorry, I don't have one or time to write one, but there is a bash scripting guide (abs-guide) on the web -- see chapter 10. See man pppd for a list of ppp options.


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