logging out of gnome in xwin32
I am having a problem logging out of a X session using xwin32.
If I use gnome desktop to login then I cannot log off. Instead to complete the logoff I have to close the xwin program. What happens is when I click on the redhat icon and click logout the screen just sits there. I can right click the desktop and get all the usual options as well as left click the root home folder, start here, or trash. The only thing that is NOT usable is the bottom panel and anything on the panel.
If I login using KDE desktop and then logout I get the logoff button and once I click it the server logs me off correctly.
I am running Redhat AS v3 as the server. Windows XP professional SP2 as the client with Xwin32 v.6.1. I am running the microsoft firewall and have allow port 177 and 7001 but this still doen't work. Does anyone have any sugguestions on how to fix this?