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Old 08-25-2003, 03:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2002
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Question living dead boot loader

the short of it is that the MBR was nuked, i can get into linux with the boot disk, i need to restore GRUB to the functionality it has after a fresh install, i tried grub-install and it got GRUB back on the MBR but it does not appear to be using the config file and is in text mode.

is there a command i use to get it to configure off of the grub.conf and get the options listed in text or graphics mode or is there a way to have redhat(9) reinstall the boot loader in the same way it does on an install?

there is a separate /boot partition that was mounted as so on the original install, if that effects any of the commands...
Old 08-25-2003, 04:04 PM   #2
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i dont know what redhat did to grub but normally it gets its configuration from /boot/grub/menu.lst they somehow replaced this with a symlink to /etc/grub.conf which cant be read before the partition with /etc on is mounted if you copy /etc/grub.conf to /boot/grub/menu.lst it will read the configuration and that should get everything back to normal. its probably better not to mess with the way redhat set it up though. im sure lots of people here know redhat
Old 08-25-2003, 05:31 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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menu was the same as conf but i pasted over anyway, no change, i tried using the upgrade option after booting off the RH9CD1 and it will NOT fix the boot loader unless you effect the kernel so, now i am running off of the SMP kernel, i tried downloading and installing the athlon version of the latest standard kernel but redhat in all its usefulness realized i already had a kernel installed (they so good) and will not install it from the RPM package, i am guessing it would make a new entry in the now functioning GRUB if it would install the package, so now i just need to do some reading on messing with my kernel.

thanks for your suggestion kev.

*will now talk out of his hat*
i will pay for a decent linux distro that runs off a CD that is a utility for doing everything from fixing boot loaders to playing with partitions & file system errors, see all some one (that knows what they are doing) needs to do is make a version of linux that runs of the CD and has its tools tweaked to mess with other linux installs, of course it would be under GNU license but you could make lots of money off of people like me that want fast easy GUI solutions to issues if you provide excellent documentation in a boxed version i will easily pay $30-$60 for your SLN(save linux newbies) distro.

i mean i really cant believe there isnt a rescue boot loader option on every distros boot CD =( ... just me?
Old 08-25-2003, 05:42 PM   #4
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menu was the same as conf but i pasted over anyway, no change
you have to be carful here, if you opened menu.lst in a text editor, then what you actually opened was grub.conf, because it is a symbolic link, to make the actual file menu.lst which is what you need to do to fix grub you have to copy grub.conf over menu.lst

cp /etc/grub.conf /boot/grub/menu.lst
Old 08-25-2003, 05:53 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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i c, i think i got the same result by just editing the grub.conf to launch off of the stanard kernel after it was reset by the upgrade function (i always go the LOOONNNG way)

thx 4 teh info =)


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