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Old 08-10-2003, 07:12 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
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List of Replacement Software (Windows vs Linux)

Hello all,

I am trying to make the move over to Linux 100% on my main desktop computer, and I need to know if there is a comprehensive list someplace that I can use to check if all my Windows software has some type of equivalent replacement under Linux.

I have done web research, but it has become tedious to check all the respective apps. It would be wonderful if there was a list that, for example, said something like "If you use Macromedia Dreamweaver in Windows .... this is the Linux program that is closest to it all around, etc."

If no such list exists, then I hope it's ok to ask for some opinions here on specific software ....

I do the bulk of my work in Adobe products, InDesign 2.0 (Professional layout software), Photoshop, Illustrator (vector graphics) and some Acrobat work when necessary. I also do use Dreamweaver.

My main concern is to find Linux equivalents for Illustrator and InDesign; these programs would have to be able to open files created in the other mainstream software, such as Quark and PageMaker, and they would have to produce file formats that professional printers can accept, such as EPS files.

So far, it seems to me that Gimp would be the photoshop replacement, but I have not yet played enough with it to see if it really does everything I can do in Photoshop, 500MB+ file sizes and around 100 layers or more (I have not yet opened a normal working file in Gimp because I am clueless on Samba )

Anyway, thanks for any information on the list

oh, P.S. - I know there is always the option of running a windows emulator, like the Mac people do, but I would much rather avoid that if possible.
Old 08-10-2003, 07:31 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
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Hello TN,

I don't use most of the packages you mention, but CodeWeavers CrossOver Office is a great product. OK, you don't want to use an emulator and CO Office costs forty quid, but Linux is the DBs for security and speed but it's still growing up in terms of multimedia apps. CrossOver Office will allow you to run Photoshop as if it was on Windows, although I haven't tested it with 100 layers+.
Photoshop is officially supported by CO Office and Dreamweaver also seems to work fine.
Old 08-10-2003, 07:43 PM   #3
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i didn't even read hardly any of your post, but from the first 2 paragraphs i got the jist, and i just recommend you look in my sig below my post and click on the link i have down there for equivalents....its a huge list, and this will help you out alot i would think.
its called table of equivalents.
Old 08-10-2003, 08:23 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thanks a lot for the replies
Old 08-10-2003, 08:28 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2003
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Hi TotalNoob,

first of all welcome to

I personally can only advise you to set up a dual boot system.

Those applications that you've listed above there are very good applications and you might not really want to relearn or try to find equivalents for them.

I'd say do a small windows partition, making sure that you have enough space for just those applications to work with, then the rest do with linux. This is the best way to be able to work on your stuff without losing the interest of linux.

Depending on your system's configuration you might even want to check into VMWare. It's pretty pricey, but it helps a lot. My brother installed VMWare to test it with his most used applications (he's into gfx: photoshop, illustrator, 3D Max, Houdini etc..) and according to him all of those progams are working just fine - a lil slower than with just windows, but they are working.

Therefore, just keep a small partition for windows and your work and the rest do for linux - my 2 cents!

Hope this helps...

NOTE: GIMP is definetely as good or even better than's just a question whether people want to "relearn" or like to stay with the application they've used for a while now).
Old 08-12-2003, 06:14 PM   #6
Registered: Jul 2003
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i dont know about being better than photoshop, professionals chose ps over gimp most of the time.
Old 08-12-2003, 09:38 PM   #7
Registered: Aug 2003
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I myself use ps as well ... guess I simply just wanted to say that it's as good as ps once you've learned to use it...hehe
Old 08-13-2003, 02:25 AM   #8
Registered: Aug 2003
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pshop works under codeweavers crossover office. if your worried about performance, it works well enough for the disney animators. all that stuff will work in vmware also.

the gimp is good (especially for web stuff), but it's no photoshop. it doesn't do cmyk very well (if at all) and a lot of proprietary stuff like pantone isn't included for obvious reasons.
Old 08-13-2003, 03:08 AM   #9
Registered: Jul 2003
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i found this good site to find windows replacement in linux


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