lirc and bluetooth with ericsson bte
I all, I have problem with my bluetooth and lirc. (compiled --with-driver=bte)
I follow your steps given in your web page but i can't view BTE in Accessories on my T68i Menu as described in Lirc page about BTE.
I have discovered my BT cell phone address with "hcitool scan "
and then i have used :
rfcomm bind 1 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
to bind my address to virtual serial rfcomm1 port.
Then i have linked /dev/lirc with /dev/rfcomm1 with ln -sf /dev/rfcomm1 /dev/lirc and copied ericsson config in to /etc directory as lircd.conf.
But when i start lircd nothing happens and if i go to my phone on the Menu Accessories there's nothing. So no connection is made.
I hope that u can help me, i use lirc 0.7.0
See you and thanks in advance.