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Old 10-04-2014, 09:58 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Wilmington, DE
Distribution: SolydXK, Knoppix
Posts: 151

Rep: Reputation: 18
linuxband, how to install?

Being not such a noob anymore, I still don't have the chops to dig into some of the advanced installation processes required when there is not a prepackaged installation available with a single click in a software manager window.

That said, I have been wanting to install linuxband, but hit the brick-wall of tar and dependincies, etc.

The website

has some fast and loose statements on how to install it, but frankly, those statements are meant for peope who know there way around the "old school" installation methods that were the only way to install things back around 2004....

Is there someone out there who would be willing to take me step by step through what it would take to install linuxband based on the information given on the website?

I am using Mint 17

Old 10-04-2014, 12:04 PM   #2
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If you are using Debian, you download the linux band tar.gz file first then open a terminal and go to your Downloads directory, or wherever this file downloaded and you can either right-click on its icon to extract it or extract it in a terminal. The link below explains this in detail. Then go back to the Linux Band page and run the four apt-get commands to install the additional needed software. Under Installation on their page, you run those commands from inside the directory where the files were extracted.

The last update on that site was well over two years ago.

Last edited by yancek; 10-04-2014 at 12:06 PM.
Old 10-05-2014, 10:44 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2006
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see next

Last edited by phazon; 10-05-2014 at 10:56 AM.
Old 10-05-2014, 10:44 AM   #4
Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Wilmington, DE
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Thanks much for your response.

I go it working.

I am going to describe the steps for the next poor shlepp that needs to go through this.

On the linuxband website "documentation" page

It has a link for the tar, on there "dowloads" page

I used the the "wget" comand in the terminal to download that file


This put that file in the "downloads" folder in the home directory

I navigated to that directory using

cd Downloads
I checked the contents of the directory to make sure that that tar ball was there by using

which listed the contents and confirmed that that file was indeed there. Among the contents of the directory, there was/is a file called "linuxband-12.02.1.tar.gz"

I extracted the tar ball using

tar -zxvf linuxband-12.02.1.tar.gz
using "dir" again, shows that there is now w folder called "linuxband-12-02-1"; NOTE - the "tar.gz" is gone from the name

using the "change directory" command, I navigated to the newly created folder(directory) thus;

cd linuxband-12.02.1
Now I am working from within the new folder(directory) called "linuxand-12.02.1"

ALL FOLLOWING STEPS ARE PERFORMED WITHIN THIS DIRECTORY. Do not "change directories" during the remainding steps. is the important part....


run the four apt-get installations shown on the website's documentation page

They are as follows; (but wait, before you do, keep reading)

sudo apt-get install libjack-dev
sudo apt-get install libsmf-dev
sudo apt-get install python-gtk2
sudo apt-get install python-gtksourceview2

when I ran

sudo apt-get install libjack-dev
I got the following error (paraphrased)

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libjack-dev : Depends: libjack0 (= 1:0.121.3+20120418git75e3e20b-2.1ubuntu1) bu
So....I did this

sudo apt-get install jack0
YAY! it did something that looked important

THEN..I did the rest of the four suggested on the documentation page

FROM WITHIN the "linuxband-12.02.1" folder(directory); that is, I did not change directories

sudo apt-get install libjack-dev
sudo apt-get install libsmf-dev
sudo apt-get install python-gtk2
sudo apt-get install python-gtksourceview2
NOW - I was ready to to the following FROM WITHIN THE "linuxband-12.02.1" directory

(this is a file that was created when the tar ball was extracted, and resides in the "linuxband-12.02.1" directory rom which you are now working)


make install
I left out all the false-starts due to not following the above steps in sequence, and typing errors.

Now, in the terminal, all I do is type "linuxband" and hit enter and the program starts

Now I have to learn how to use it!!


Last edited by phazon; 10-05-2014 at 10:52 AM.
Old 10-05-2014, 11:23 AM   #5
Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Wilmington, DE
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NOTE: Not sute if in fact the tar ball automatically went to "downloads" folder/directory. I might have used the regular flder browser gui to put it there, then "cd Downloads" in terminal....
Old 10-06-2014, 07:05 AM   #6
Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Wilmington, DE
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later realixed that I "broke" jackd wen following the four steps below....

sudo apt-get install libjack-dev

sudo apt-get install libsmf-dev

sudo apt-get install python-gtk2

sudo apt-get install python-gtksourceview2
Since I ha already installed Ardour, it seems that the Ardour installation process automatically installs jackd, with all the libraries, etc.

After installing linuxband, and then going back to try to run Ardour, I got warnings about jackd configurations, and then when I tried to install jackd, the warnings were something about duplicate installations would break it, etc.... I realized that this is what must have happened already since ARdour had already installed it, and then the four steps abouve put more crap in the destination folders etc.

I ran

sudo apt-get remove jackd

sudo apt-get install jackd
went back to run Ardour to see if that fixed it....interesting, Ardour is now gone from my system...!?!

I had go back and install Ardour again, now Ardour works.

It seems that Ardour is SO dependant on jackd being present, that when it was removed, Ardour took a dive with it...interesting....

By the way, I never could get linuxband working. I am able to "spawn" it, but nothgin within the program seems to work.

The quality of the samples of music that I have heard, that are done with linuxband that I have heard pails by comparison to projects created with Ardour anyway, so I am not heart broken.

I needed to learn how to install things using the "old" command line method when "apt-get", "yum" etc won't work anyway.

oh, just discovered the "qjack" went bye-bye too after removing jackd...fascinating

Last edited by phazon; 10-06-2014 at 07:08 AM. Reason: more info


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