Hmm, I've been trying to make my own version of a live version of linux based on Slackware and these instructions:
But I'm not getting very far
Firstly, where is this "Ready to boot" linux CD? Can it be downloaded for free?
Secondly what about the initrd.img file? Is the one on the install CD the same as on this "ready to boot" cd? If it isn't what's the difference?
So far, I've figured out how to do nearly all the stuff in that tutorial (link above) and even managed to get cdrecord to work. It's just this one thing - and how do you set up all the configurations so it works?
What I mean by that is for example .... well ..... the tutorial says to put all the files in directories such as "isolinux","live" and soforth. But how does the CD know where to look for files so it will boot?
So far I can make a bootable CD but that's about it. It just says the kernel was missing (It came up with a boot: prompt but after I hit return said it couldn't find the kernel). I tried entering the path with boot: /kernels/bare.i and it then complained about "vmlinuz" not being found. My question is how to set things up so these can be found? I'm guessing maybe I'll need to try somehow to take initrd.img from the install (NOT the one from the ready to boot cd as I don't have it) cd and pull it apart prehaps? And then what do I need to do?