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Old 01-11-2009, 01:20 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Linux simulation enhancement tips

Hi all,

I have the option of simulating an Octave code both on linux and windows. If I go by linux (kubuntu amd64), would it afford significant reduction in simulation time over windows (vista 386)? Additionally, can anyone explain or brief if there are speed enhancements in running the simulation after shutting down x server? Or anything that you would advise as a general rule to a linux newbie that may help speed up my simulations.

thanks in anticipation.
Old 01-11-2009, 05:12 PM   #2
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Eye candy always gets in the way - simple as that.
Vista is a pig.
KDE is full of eye candy.

I don't do simulation, but I do run an emulator for mainframe hardware under which runs mainframe operating system(s). Might be close/similar for these sort of concerns.
For something that is CLI based I see no point in wasting memory and CPU cycles on a GUI to run a terminal. Especially if you only have one CPU and expect to be running flat out. Running a GUI I found only encouraged me to also run a game and a mail client and a browser and ...
I found it easier to stick to bare console mode - but then I also went with gentoo and compiled the entire system with all the flags I needed to make it run as best as I could. Probably over-board unless you plan to run nothing else for days at a time 100% CPU bound.

Of course these days with multi-CPU machines with tons of RAM so cheap all the above may not matter at all. Depends if you expect to max out the machine.
On principle I would never run open source on Windows if I have the choice not to.
Old 01-12-2009, 10:12 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Brickwall View Post
Additionally, can anyone explain or brief if there are speed enhancements in running the simulation after shutting down x server? Or anything that you would advise as a general rule to a linux newbie that may help speed up my simulations.
Well, if you don't have enough memory to keep all of your data set and your simulation program in memory, anything you can do to keep more in memory helps. As GUIs tend to be memory intensive, that may make the case for not running a GUI.


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