Lindows Click and run. Any alternatives???
Hi ok I know peeps here are going to think me a philistine - but.... Lindows is a cool OS. I don't like the guy who's making it either, I don't like that it's mostly a commercial distribution, I don't like the way the Lindows peeps play fast and loose with the GPL... I don't like the way Lindows logs you in as root on first boot, etc. However Lindows itself is essentially a good product. Unlike many other distributions, it isn't vastly cluttered - amost everything works the way you expect it to - and overall there are very few problems I have have found with it.
Nonetheless I still can't bring myself to pay for software I know is essentially free. Click 'n Run it all very good and all, but since Lindows is debian based I wondered if there might be an alternative way to go?
Unfortunately I can't seem to get apt-get up and running. (Not surprising perhaps as I am something of a debian n00b).
I was wondering if therefore there might be a way to get apt-get going? Or perhaps there is an alternative interface for apt-get that some of you guys could suggest? Better still would be if there was an alternative/rival site to click and run. In this I mean another site offerring completely free downloads and the same easy free package management system found via click and run. This would at least help to remind potential click and run subscribers that much of the software they are being asked to pay for is freely avaiable and that there is no need for them to pay for anything. (Particularly since is so openly exploiting other peeps hard work and efforts).
Can anyone advise? Does anyone know if anything like this exists?