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Old 12-03-2008, 02:38 PM   #1
Senior Member
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Exclamation lilo question

Here is my setup: used a desktop to install Slackware to a CF card. On slackware, it is read as /dev/sda, but, as you probably know, when I put it in the computer it is used in (as the only drive) it should be read as /dev/hda. So, it has a kernel panic because the root= does not equal /dev/hda1 but /dev/sda1 and it doesn't know what to do. Thus, I stuck the CF card into my computer, unhooked my hard drive so I would screw anything up, and booted Knoppix. One in knoppix, I edited the lilo.conf file on the CF card to:

timeout 20

I saved and did a "lilo -C /media/sda1/etc/lilo.conf". I get an error that I have never seen before:
Fatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/hda")
And therefore, the changes are not saved to lilo. I'm not an expert (or else I wouldn't be asking...), but it sounds like Knoppix already uses Lilo (I thought it used grub..) and is trying to protect itself from being overwritten, or it sees the action as trying to set up some sort of raid array. I'm not sure, but I need to get this to work. Is there a way I can force it to work? Change the knoppix's lilo.conf to something else then change the CF card's lilo.conf to hda? I don't know.

Old 12-03-2008, 03:48 PM   #2
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Thanks to "nullboy" on #slackware, I got it working. Passed the needed functions along and edited fstab to get it working.


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