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Old 12-03-2014, 09:01 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2011
Location: South Central Montana USA
Distribution: Debian derivitives switched to Mint from Ubuntu but play with them all time and brain permitting...
Posts: 252

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Libre office writer table documnet that lost it's right border and cell line

I have a Libre office writer table document that lost it's right border and some content and all cell or row lines are extending beyond the document to the right into the program border. This has happend on 75%+ of all tables I try to do with it. After working on the Doc. a while it just gets corrupted. Also have rows that seem like two different items. Half way across the row stops the highlight when I try to select the row to change settings or delete or copy it. Wuttsup please
Old 12-04-2014, 02:13 PM   #2
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Registered: Jul 2002
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Some things to look at in the LibreOffice Help files:

1) Under 'table mode selection', look at the 'Fixed, proportional' settings for your table.

2) Under 'table cells', look at 'Changing Indents' for your table.

From your description, it sounds like the table is indented too far to the right. That is easily corrected with the indent triangles in the page horizontal ruler.


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