Libre Office always starts document recovery
en: Libre Office always starts document recovery
de: Libre Office startet immer die Dokumentenwiederherstellung
This is what i have done so far:
1.) save old data:
mv ~/.config/ ~/.config_old
2.) Clean the user-data of Libre Office ~/.config/...
rm -rf ~/.config/
3.) start Libre Office
4.) disable Options->Load/Save->Save Autorecoveryinfos every x Minutes
disable Optionen->Laden/Speichern->Speicern von Autowiederherstellungsinfos alls x Minuten
The only thing i can find is:
/usr/bin/oowriter --nologo --norestore -view [document]
So i can just view the document without having the mentioned problems.
Last edited by Mutant; 06-26-2015 at 05:26 AM.
Reason: This is a Problem