Krita in kde 3.5.9: are there "swap colors" shortcut and eraser?
I'm trying to use Krita from kde 3.5.9 instead of gimp-2.4.6, because gimp doesn't work well with my tablet (while krita does).
The questions:
1) Is there "eraser" instrument like the one used in gimp? I was looking for one, but only found "pixel eraser" which erases color with the alpha channel and doesn't seem to support pressure control (opasity), which is not what I want. It is not on tool panel, I'm sure.
2) Is there shortcut for starting eraser (if it exists)? I've checked shortcuts configuration, but I haven't something like this.
3) What is hotkey for swapping background/foreground color? Again, looked for it in shortcut configuration, haven't found it.