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Old 03-08-2006, 08:21 AM   #1
LQ Guru
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Konqueror takes a long time to discover SMB directory contents

I use Konqueror as my file manager. I am connected to a Windows NT server thru a symmetrical low latency 1 Mbit connection.

It is no problem to connect to the Windows server. If the directory does not contain too many files (< 20) the directory contents is showed almost instantly. However, in the directory I need to use, I have a few hundreds of files. Less than 1000. When I click on the directory tree, the directories fold out nicely. However, when I click on one of the directories to actually see the contents, the 1 Mb connection gets filled up with traffic, and it takes minutes (5-10 minutes) until the file list is displayed.

What is happening here? Does Konqueror open and read ALL the files before it displays them?

It is NOT an SMB connection problem:

- If I move this server to the same LAN segment (100 Mbit) the display is satisfactory and fast. But it doesn't mean there is not that much traffic.

- Smaller directories are browsed ok.

- When I use the command line I can instantly get a ls listing, or open a file.

- The SMB connection never breaks or becomes inaccessible.

Old 03-08-2006, 08:33 AM   #2
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does it make a difference if you change view mode to list?
Old 03-08-2006, 09:30 PM   #3
LQ Guru
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Actually I am using Detailed List. I tried to change to Info List and Text View, but the same thing.



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