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Old 07-29-2005, 12:28 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: Kentucky
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 795

Rep: Reputation: 56
Konqueror Problem

I just re-installed my Mandrake Linux 10.1 Pro because I messed up my firefox browser by installing a bunch of extra packages and then I accidentally removed a couple of the wrong packages and couldn't browse the internet (Linux noob here) so I decided that I would solve the problem by reformatting and going through the slow and gruelling process of choosing each and every piece of software I wanted installed. (Keep in mind I had this problem the first time I installed Mandrake.) Konqueror is used to browse folders by default and it is the initial web browser. As before when I insert my jump drive is doesn't automatically mount it and show up on the desktop, however if I have Konqueror open it shows up if I type the address in the url bar (/mnt/removable) Konqueror shortcuts do not open either it gives me an error message(can't remember the exact wording I'm using Windows right now). If I try to open my home folder or some other folder it gives me an error message the it failed to communicate with Konqueror using DCOP. Konqueror only comes up when I try to go to the Mandrake Updates in system config. The last time this error was fixed after I downloaded all of the available updates for my distro of Linux, however right now I'm sharing a 21k dial up connection at my girlfriend's house and will be until I move back on campus the 19th of August. Can anybody tell me if this is a simple bug that I can fix on my own so that I can at least use my Linux until I move back in? I really prefer Linux to Windows and would like to get it up and running. I know that I could use another browser to fix the issue but I would really like to leave Konqueror as the default since it can be fixed instead of leaving the bug present. Help please anyone?
Old 07-29-2005, 01:12 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: Kentucky
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 795

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Rep: Reputation: 56

The problem appears to occur only in KDE GUI, I'm using it under IceWM right now and everything works fine except for the fact that IceWM isn't as "pretty" as KDE, and I'm more used to the Desktop interface of KDE. I guess I can deal with IceWM until I get back on campus to fix the problem via updating.


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