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Old 04-25-2006, 08:23 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: IN, USA
Distribution: Debian 3.1
Posts: 59

Rep: Reputation: 15

I just downloaded kmymoney2 this morning. First, I downloaded version 0.6 and then upgraded that to version 0.8. Version 0.6 worked fine but 0.8 seemed to have more of what I was looking for. Once I installed the upgraded version I could not get it to open. It was installed into my OpenOffice group in my menu. That didn't work to open it so I tried starting it with a terminal. I got the following error: "kmymoney2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". So how do I go about fixing this so that I can use this upgraded version?

I am using Debian 2.4 Sarge. Any help will be most appreciated.
Old 04-25-2006, 08:30 AM   #2
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Registered: Sep 2005
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You have to install xinerama libraries:
apt-get install libxinerama1

Just wondering why it was not done automatically.. You installed it with apt-get/aptitude install?
Old 04-25-2006, 08:37 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: IN, USA
Distribution: Debian 3.1
Posts: 59

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Unhappy kmymoney

Well, I tried your suggestion using apt-get in a terminal and this is what I got:

/home/dad# apt-get install libxinerama1
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package libxinerama1

So how do I get it to find the package?
Old 04-25-2006, 09:10 AM   #4
Senior Member
Registered: Sep 2005
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Ah you're in sarge and then you have installed it from source or by apt-pinning or by some sort of trick?

Mmmhhh quite hard to do then, it greps a lot of dependencies, like libraries from kde 3.5

1)You could go for apt-pinning but this could be a bit risky (or not possible at all) if there are too many things[*]
2)You go to unstable where the 8.3 of kmymoney2 exists.
3)You go to testing when the package enters testing.
[*] kmymoney2 8.3 depends on this:

kdelibs4c2a (2 4:3.5.1-2)
libacl1 (2 2.2.11-1)
libaqbanking0c2a (0 (null))
libart-2.0-2 (2 2.3.16)
libattr1 (2 2.4.4-1)
libaudio2 (0 (null))
libc6 (2 2.3.5-1)
libfam0 (0 (null))
libfontconfig1 (2 2.3.0)
libfreetype6 (2 2.1.5-1)
libgcc1 (2 1:4.0.2)
libgwenhywfar17c2 (2 1.18.0)
libice6 (0 (null))
libidn11 (2 0.5.18)
libjpeg62 (0 (null))
libkbanking1 (0 (null))
libofx2c2a (0 (null))
libosp5 (2 1.5.2-1)
libpcre3 (2 4.5)
libpng12-0 (2 1.2.8rel)
libqbanking1 (0 (null))
libqt3-mt (2 3:3.3.5)
libsm6 (0 (null))
libssl0.9.8 (2 0.9.8a-1)
libstdc++6 (2 4.0.2-4)
libx11-6 (0 (null))
libxcursor1 (4 1.1.2)
libxext6 (0 (null))
libxft2 (4 2.1.1)
libxi6 (0 (null))
libxinerama1 (0 (null))
libxrandr2 (0 (null))
libxrender1 (2 1:
libxt6 (0 (null))
zlib1g (2 1:1.2.1)

Hum big thingy.. and doesn't give the conflicts that may appear or other dependencies. Apt-pinning would tell you.

You can also go to and look if they have ported all these files to sarge.

Last edited by nx5000; 04-25-2006 at 09:12 AM.
Old 04-25-2006, 09:51 AM   #5
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: IN, USA
Distribution: Debian 3.1
Posts: 59

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15

well, I suppose I will have to get rid of it then since it is basically of no use to me. Does anyone know of a program that can import from my checking account as well as stock accounts and update automatically? I recall trying gnucash at some point but didn't find it too thrilling.

Thanks again


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