kismet questions very confused and frustrated
I've been trying to run kismet and nothing really happens. It's able to get my card into monitor mode but I don't really know what's up. I'm running fedora 10 with atheros 5007 chipset and just installed kismet from the repository. What is the difference between the kismet server and kismet client. Do I have both of them? Do both of them run when i do "sudo kismet"? here is the output after doing "sudo kismet":
Launching kismet_server: /usr/bin/kismet_server
Will drop privs to kismet (494) gid 491
No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.
Non-RFMon VAPs will be destroyed on multi-vap interfaces (ie, madwifi-ng)
Enabling channel hopping.
Enabling channel splitting.
NOTICE: Disabling channel hopping, no enabled sources are able to change channel.
Source 0 (wifi): Enabling monitor mode for ath5k source interface wlan0 channel 6...
Source 0 (wifi): Opening ath5k source interface wlan0...
Spawned channel control process 3099
Dropped privs to kismet (494) gid 491
Will attempt to put networkmanager to sleep...
Allowing clients to fetch WEP keys.
WARNING: Disabling GPS logging.
Logging networks to /var/log/kismet/
Logging networks in CSV format to /var/log/kismet/Kismet-Dec-24-2008-3.csv
Logging networks in XML format to /var/log/kismet/Kismet-Dec-24-2008-3.xml
Logging cryptographically weak packets to /var/log/kismet/Kismet-Dec-24-2008-3.weak
Logging cisco product information to /var/log/kismet/
Logging data to /var/log/kismet/Kismet-Dec-24-2008-3.dump
Writing data files to disk every 300 seconds.
Mangling encrypted and fuzzy data packets.
Tracking probe responses and associating probe networks.
Reading AP manufacturer data and defaults from /etc/kismet/ap_manuf
Reading client manufacturer data and defaults from /etc/kismet/client_manuf
Using network-classifier based data encryption detection
Not tracking duplicate IVs
Putting networkmanager to sleep...
Dump file format: wiretap (local code) dump
Crypt file format: airsnort (weak packet) dump
Kismet 2008.05.R1 (Kismet)
Logging data networks CSV XML weak cisco
Listening on port 2501.
Allowing connections from
Registering builtin client/server protocols...
Registering requested alerts...
Registering builtin timer events...
Gathering packets...
Launched client, pid 3101
Launching kismet_client: /usr/bin/kismet_client
NOTICE: configdir '/root/' does not exist, making it.
FATAL: Could not make configdir: File exists
Didn't see any weak encryption packets, unlinking weak file
Sending termination request to channel control child 3099...
Waiting for channel control child 3099 to exit...
WARNING: Sometimes cards don't always come out of monitor mode
cleanly. If your card is not fully working, you may need to
restart or reconfigure it for normal operation.
Trying to wake networkmanager back up...
Kism�& �xiting.
What is happening here? Also I can't get my card back out of managed mode any insight there?
Last edited by bwjohns4; 01-08-2009 at 07:34 PM.