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Old 04-23-2006, 04:01 AM   #1
Senior Member
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Rep: Reputation: 53
Kino shuts down

Hi Everybody,

I have found a dozen or so threads about kino (video capture and editing) but they usually have to do with raw1394 and such. None even come close to describing this problem.

The distro is FC5. I previously had it working with this distro. After an update via PUP, the raw1394 permissions were changed so I
chmod 666 /dev/raw1394 and that is fine.

But, when I attempt to click the Capture button, the entire program instantly shuts down, no error messages, just quits and disappears from the screen. Does not happen with any other part of the program, but it will not me touch the capture button.

Anyone ever experienced this, and if so, is there a fix?

Any help very much appreciated.

Old 04-23-2006, 06:21 AM   #2
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if u want to know why it crashed then open it from the terminal and when it crashes it will display an error message in the terminal
Old 04-23-2006, 01:13 PM   #3
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Thank you. I should have thought of that. This is the problem:

Kino experienced a segmentation fault.
Dumping stack from the offending thread

Obtained 10 stack frames.
kino(__gxx_personality_v0+0x471) [0x432241]
/lib64/ [0x36a842f7c0]
/usr/lib64/ [0x2aaaaba01107]
/usr/lib64/ [0x2aaaabaff2b6]
/usr/lib64/ [0x2aaaaba01643]
kino(_ZN5Frame10ExtractYUVEPv+0x50) [0x460570]
kino(_ZN5Frame17ExtractPreviewYUVEPv+0x1e) [0x46061e]
kino(_ZN14FrameDisplayer3PutER5FrameP10_GtkWidgeti+0x188) [0x466af8]
kino [0x47964b]
/lib64/ [0x36a9b062ea]
Not being a programmer, I am going to have trouble with this one. I have read that a segmentation fault is memory related, but this all started happening after I upgraded several video relation programs (xine, faac, etc.). If anyone knows what I can try, I would appreciated it. I have already uninstalled kino and reinstalled, same results. I need to sort this as I do a lot of video editing. I can still capture video with dvgrab, but it is less intuitive and I have to way of editing (unless someone knows of another video editing program. As far as I know kino is the only one that exists.)

Any help appreciated.

Old 04-23-2006, 09:51 PM   #4
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Registered: Jun 2005
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FC5 issue

Hi, this the kino lead developer. We are receiving a deluge of bug reports exactly like this from Fedora Core 5 users. I am not sure what is wrong, and not being an FC5 user, I do not reproduce it. One user reported disabling SELinux resolved it for him. I would like to get a confirmation of that resolution. Send me mail to if it worked.
Old 04-24-2006, 01:58 AM   #5
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Thank you for that response. I did not consider a bug in the program because as I said originally it had been working on FC5 until a considerably sizable upgrade generally involving video related software. It should be noted that the program works normally until access to the raw1394 device is attempted at which time it instantly shuts down. I will try the fix you have identified and report back to you by email.

Many thanks for your excellent attention to this problem. By the way, I have used Kino for a good while now with several distros and find it, for me at least, one of the most useful programs available for Linux. I hope work with application will continue well into the future.

Thanks again,



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