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Old 08-06-2003, 10:55 AM   #1
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Registered: Jun 2003
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Kernel compilation troubles

Hi there. I recently compiled a new custom kernel (2.4.21) and there are some problems I can't work out. Namely, my ppp connection becomes sluggish and continually reports VJ decompression errors. Hence packets have to be resent reveral times.

Also, it seems my floppy drive doesn't seem to work anymore. It wont mount. It says either /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device or something about a probe failing. If the probe fails then it just continually tries to mount the floppy until I eject it from the drive.

I get neither of these two problems under my old 2.2.20 vanilla kernel that I installed during the debian setup. I can't post any attachments but if anyone wants a copy of the .config file then I'll be happy to email it to you.



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