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Old 10-10-2004, 02:09 PM   #16
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: NJ
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 104

Rep: Reputation: 15

try this:

does HOTPLUG disable any IRQs at startup?

I had the same problem, because HOTPLUG disable IRQ 11 at startup which was my net card. I would load the forcedeth and run ifconfig to confirm that my netcard interface was their but obviously it was disabled. As of now the only workaround to it was for me to disable ports in my bios that I wasnt using such as my parallel port. Then when i booted up HOTPLUG disabled IRQ5 (midi port) instead of 11 and then everything worked fine.

Im still studying HOTPLUG to figure out why it is doing this, but for now all my essential hardware seems to be working under 2.6.7 kernel.

btw i have nforce 2 chipset also, with geforce 4 card, and audigy 2 card Slackware 10 2.6.7 (rebuilt kernel). After my experience with 2.6 kernel, I understand why Slackware didnt put it into Slackware 10 by default.


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