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Old 07-18-2004, 07:24 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Iceland
Distribution: Debian Lenny - Kernel
Posts: 331

Rep: Reputation: 30
Kernel 2.6.7 is troubling me like there's no tomorrow.

I've compiled tons of kernels before, never encountering any serious problems. I've spent all of this evening, though, trying to get a 2.6.7 kernel working.

Note, that I've compiled several 2.6.4, 2.6.5 and 2.6.6. kernels with out any troubles. And, yes, I tried switching back to a 2.6.6 kernel and configured it like I usually do, but I still got some weird errors, even more than with the 2.6.7 kernel. And also not that this is a fresh install. And also, also note that I made use of make mrproper in between attempts. Then only difference between this nights attempt and my previous ones is that now I'm using ReiserFS on all my partitions except for the ones for mass file storage and my /boot partition. That couldn't affect me this much, could it?

To sum things up, here's what I'm having trouble with:

ALSA - Refuses to work. On compilation I get "depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.6.7/kernel/sound/synth/emux/snd-emux-synth.ko". Everything else seems to compile fine. I've configured the kernel to support everything except for verbose printk, and debug. Nothing in the generic devices section. Also I compiled support for my emu10k1 Sound Blaster Live 5.1 card. I tried compiling all this as modules, too, but that didn't make a difference. What I usually do is compile support for ALSA and then after booting with the new kernel I run alsaconf which usually sets up my card for me, the exact same card on the exact same system. When I start alsaconf All it does is throw up some weird symbols at me. I press the OK buttons, hoping it's just a font problem but it crashes after I refuse to probe for ISA cards (or after telling me that the system might becoming unstable if I do probe for them when I let it probe for ISA cards). I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling alsa-base, alsa-utils and alsaconf. The console output is:
[23:24 root@rakka anti]# alsaconf
modinfo: snd: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-opl3sa2: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-cs4236: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-cs4232: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-cs4231: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-es18xx: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-es1688: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-sb16: no module by that name found
modinfo: snd-sb8: no module by that name found
Framebuffer Console - I've compiled exactly the same options as usual. VESA VGA support, video mode selection support, framebuffer console support. But it gives me a blank screen when I boot with my usual vga=791 option. I also tried adding support for nVidia Riva/GeForce since I'm using a GeForce 4 Ti4200 120MB DDR. That didn't work. Note that VESA was usually the only thing that worked for my framebuffer.

USB - Not working but I'm too tired at the moment to explain my problems. Low priority and I'll try to get it fixed myself tomorrow or post again if I'm not successful. Been trying pretty hard though.

I'm tired and pissed off at the moment. There were too other things I just don't remember right now. This post probably doesn't make much sense. And I'm probably not giving enough information. I'll set up Apache tomorrow and post a link to my .config file if anyone's willing to spend the time to look through it.

Any effort to help me what so ever will be greatly appreciated. For real. I'm off to read a book or something for a few minutes. Try to clear my mind.


Last edited by atheist; 07-18-2004 at 07:57 PM.


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