KDE 3.3 thouroughly kills sound
I upgraded from KDE 3.2.0 to KDE 3.3.0, and my sound disappeared. I don't just mean that there is no sound in KDE 3.3, but there was still no sound when I went back to my old 3.2 install, and sound isn't working in GNOME now either!
I used Konstruct to install 3.3. I ran it as a normal user, and it installed KDE in its own directory in a user account, so it shouldn't have been able to change files anywhere else. I don't get sound if I login as a different user either. My hardware is fine because when I booted up in Windows (shudder) I got sound. Where has my sound system gone? And how could a user with normal privileges screw it up?
Mandrake 10.0
KDE 3.2