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Old 11-14-2005, 03:49 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Finland
Distribution: Debian Sid, FreeBSD, Mandrake, Red Hat
Posts: 84

Rep: Reputation: 15
Kaffeine: DVB icon remains dim, unusable

I have two digital tuner cards:
Technisat SkyStar DVB-S
Kworld DVB-T

I have Ubuntu Breezy Badger, but I think this problem is not specific to my distro.

I have Xine working with one card (DVB-T), and Klear working with the other (sat). Each program can be configured for one DVB device, it seems.

Kaffeine, on the other hand, shows both cards, and allows me to change the settings for each. It allowed me to do a channel scan on the Kworld DVB-T card and even found the channels. But the DVB icon remains dim and the channel names remain dim, and I cannot use them.

It also shows the sat card and gives a few names of different satellites for the channel scanning.

The question is, the cards are both working, are zappable, etc. Why does Kaffeine not allow me to use them? How can I get it to work? I would really like to be able to do recording, time shifting, etc. for both cards from the same program.

Old 11-16-2005, 08:26 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Finland
Distribution: Debian Sid, FreeBSD, Mandrake, Red Hat
Posts: 84

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Re: Kaffeine: DVB icon remains dim, unusable

Originally posted by Ekkume
I have two digital tuner cards:
Technisat SkyStar DVB-S
Kworld DVB-T

I have Ubuntu Breezy Badger, but I think this problem is not specific to my distro.

I have Xine working with one card (DVB-T), and Klear working with the other (sat). Each program can be configured for one DVB device, it seems.

Kaffeine, on the other hand, shows both cards, and allows me to change the settings for each. It allowed me to do a channel scan on the Kworld DVB-T card and even found the channels. But the DVB icon remains dim and the channel names remain dim, and I cannot use them.

It also shows the sat card and gives a few names of different satellites for the channel scanning.

The question is, the cards are both working, are zappable, etc. Why does Kaffeine not allow me to use them? How can I get it to work? I would really like to be able to do recording, time shifting, etc. for both cards from the same program.


I installed the latest Kaffeine from source and installed gstreamer-kaffeine and it started working.


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