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Old 01-08-2005, 05:59 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: greece
Distribution: Suse Pro 9.3
Posts: 23

Rep: Reputation: 15
k_athlon upgrade kernel for suse 9.0

Hello everybody and have a nice year..
Recently upgraded my kernel on suse 9.0 pro to 2.6.9... something on a celeron 500mhz machine.Okay everything went ok (although i still have to reconfigure usb..) and i did see a major speed difference
I want to do the same for my main athlon XP 2600 box.
I think that it requires not a default kernel but an athlon flavour instead , like the one that's currently installed -> k_athlon-2.4.21-99.
Does anybody know where to find suitable rpms?
Greetings from Greece..
Old 01-08-2005, 11:35 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: USA
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The default kernel will work with your Athlon just fine. A kernel compiled for i386 or i686 is the same as one for Athlon (K7), except that it's missing a few specific optimizations that may make it run faster on Athlon chips. The speed and responsiveness difference you saw was probably due to the new scheduler and preemptive kernel features in the 2.6 kernel. The Athlon optimizations, on the other hand, are a very small gain and would almost certainly be imperceptible in a desktop environment, so go ahead and run the standard kernel 2.6.9, if you want to use a precompiled kernel from RPMs.

On the other hand, if you really want speed and configurability, I encourage you to learn to compile the kernel yourself, from sources. This way, you can compile for any chip you want, enable any features you want, and even apply patches such as mm-sources that can further optimize your kernel for its task. I would advise against using RPMs for this, as they only seem to add unneeded complexity. Simply get a 2.6.10 full source package from, untar it into your /usr/src/ directory, set up your /usr/src/linux symlink, make menuconfig, then make and make modules_install. Then you'll have a finished kernel in arch/i386/boot/ that you can put into your /boot directory and set up grub to use. I guess it sounds difficult, but it really becomes quick and easy and is a valuable Linux skill.

HTH, and happy linuxing.


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