k3b troubles
ok i had k3b going fine before but then i had to reinstall gentoo. I emerged k3b and it said there was one error this happened last time but it worked fine. now when i start k3b i always get htis error saying it cant find dvd+rw-format and to install dvd+rw tools, which they already are. this is one problem. anothe rproblem is it wont use any of my drives as writers. i have a dvd/cd writer and then a regular cd writer. if i go into configure k3b and look at devices the dvd writer says that the drive can write dvds and cds and gives the maximum writing speed, however the cd writer just says it can write but i see know max write speed. im using grub and i thought i put the hdc=ide-scsi things in right but maybe not. i have scsi emulation compiled into the kernel. can someone help me with one or both of these problems please.