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Old 11-08-2004, 11:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Costa Rica
Distribution: Debian/FC3
Posts: 14

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k3b freezes when burning audio cd's, using kernel

I have never burned a cd in Linux. I use Debian with kernel version and Gnome.

I'm trying to use k3b because a friend suggested it. I haven't been able to get it to detect my cd burner when I'm running as user, but when I open a terminal and run it as root it does detect it. Then I choose the mp3's I want to burn as an audio cd, and it starts burning. It then freezes after a short while. I ruined 2 cd's and it never got past 15%.

I have seen a few posts where they say that has trouble burning cd's as user, but I don't understand if this means that it has also trouble burning them as root, since I can't even do that. Should I try to fix it with this kernel, or should I update to 2.6.9?

Please tell me what other information should I post in order to solve this problem.

Thank you.
Old 11-09-2004, 01:49 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: New York
Distribution: --------- Gentoo-2004.2 [2.6.8] Redhat-9 [2.6.6]
Posts: 545

Rep: Reputation: 31
I saw a patch for the kernel , haven't bookmarked it.. Try googling a bit..

You always have the option of going back to your old kernel.. if you have one.


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