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Old 11-24-2004, 02:08 AM   #1
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k3b and root

I'm sure this is a super simple question but I searched here and but couldn't find an answer so here I am

I emerged k3b and the dvd+rw-tools and all went well, I start k3b and it tells me I need to be root to use some of the programs (cdrecord being one of them) and I should run k3bsetup to fix it. I do that, it asks me for the root password, obviously needs appropriate permissions to run the setup.. so it comes up and all the settings there seem right so I click OK but I still can't burn CDs. If I run k3b as root then it works great, so how can I get it to burn CDs as a normal user? Maybe something with the group settings, I haven't tried playing with that yet.

Gentoo, 2.6.9 kernel, fluxbox wm
fluxbox but I've emereged kdebase-3.3.x so that's not the issue.



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