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Old 04-24-2006, 12:46 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
Distribution: SuSE Linux 10.0 OSS
Posts: 7

Rep: Reputation: 0
Japanese input not working in Qt with SCIM-QTIMM

Hey all, first post/cry for help/etc...

I'm running SuSE 10.0 2.6.13-15.8-smp; KDE 3.5.2 "a" on i686.

I've installed "Japanese Language support" under YaST... GTK applications and the like have no problems, but Qt applications have no Japanese input. All unicode apps can display Japanese characters, though.

I recall this working at one point, but now its as if I don't have the input support installed. I've tried uninstalling ALL of the packages related, then reinstalling them by hand AND by YaST's tools, nothing seems to work.

I have SKIM, SCIM, SCIM-TABLES, SCIM-TABLES-JA, and all the other required packages I can think of to utilize this input installed. However, even switching the system's default language over to Japanese does not get me my input.

Notes: In SuSE 9.3, if SCIM-QTIMM was installed period, all KDE apps would crash when started through the kicker. I was able to start things via the command line, but I couldn't deal with that so I switched up to 10.0. (Kicker start goes throguh kfmclient I believe)

I need this input support to be productive... Thanks!
Old 04-30-2006, 11:33 AM   #2
john nomad
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Malaysia
Distribution: Suse 10.0
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hi, AireTamStorm

I also went through similar problems when I was running Suse 9.3 pro, but finally I could type Japanese characters in English environment...(I tried to System default to Japanese, but some texts translated into Japanese sound so dull and funny to me that I could not accept it as a native Japanese speaker, so I changed back to English)...did many things, maybe wrongly...then 9.3 crashed,couldn't retrieve... gave up and installed 10.0 and I'm running it now.

Actually I'm also quite a new linux user, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to provide so sophisticated ideas or tech-type direct just take this comment as misc-info reference only.

Ok, now under 10.0 version,I'm running Skim(SCIM backend).
I'm using "Anthy", which is Japanese Input method supported by Scim/Skim...
10.0 has this soft inside, which is supposed to be installed when you have installed you have this "Anthy"?..
One more. I presume( as a layman) that you need to install Japanese fonts?...say, "SAZANAMI"...or whatever SuSe 10.0 is offering inside CD? Did you try it?...

Reference URL here:

I have browsed here and there for webs that provide relevant and usefull info under SUSE, but no avail so far, except some pages that are very specific to Mandriva distro as above.

I tried UIM-Anthy, this one does not work...what I mean that, usually, when u type sound-values by alphabets and press Space, then you can automatically get Hiragana/katakana and/or Kanji(Chinese characters). But UIM-Anthy does not convert...I do not why now...

Anyway, Anthy looks better for me, since "Conversion frm Hiragana to Kanji" seems up-to-date.



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