Hey guys,
I did an emerge --update world the other night, and i dont know if ivman updated, or if udev updated or if hal updated.... but one of them updated and broke ivman
ivman used to run fine, but now everytime i try to start it as root or user:
monster hedpe # ivman
manager.c:1340 (do_startup_configure) Directory /etc/ivman/ will be used for configuration files.
manager.c:259 (set_mount_command) No mount command was specified in IvmConfigBase.xml. Ivman will try to automatically detect the command to use. If Ivman incorrectly detects the program(s) available on your system, first make sure the program(s) are in the default shell PATH, then please report it as a bug.
manager.c:291 (set_mount_command) pmount-hal detection skipped, as we are a root instance of Ivman. pmount-hal is only used for user instances.
manager.c:333 (set_mount_command) pmount accepts -u <umask>
manager.c:336 (set_mount_command) pmount was found on your system. It will be used for mounting.
manager.c:768 (ivm_run_command) Running: echo 0 > /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/lock
manager.c:1387 (main) ivman 0.6.9, http:/ivman.sourceforge.net
manager.c:1392 (main) Compiled against HAL 0.5.x or later
manager.c:1396 (main) Running in system mode.
daemonize.c:123 (dropPrivileges) Can't drop privileges, user not specified.
manager.c:1417 (main) Couldn't drop privileges, exiting!
Here are my versions:
monster hedpe # emerge udev hal ivman -pv
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild R ] sys-fs/udev-079-r1 (-selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild R ] sys-apps/hal- -acpi -debug -doc -pam_console -pcmcia (-selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild R ] sys-apps/ivman-0.6.9 -debug 0 kB
I also tried ivman-0.6.8 (unmasked version) and it has the same problem. I have no updates pending in etc-update either.