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Old 03-23-2006, 01:11 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
Distribution: openSUSE 10.2
Posts: 20

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Issues with users and fonts

Hello all,

Made a stupid error trying to fix support for fonts.. basically, all my fonts work correctly as root, but weren't working for my main user. I figured it was a permissions error, so I chmod'ed the files in the TTF folder to 444. This got my TTF fonts working. I then went to see if my international fonts (russian, japanese, etc.) would work, but got nothing but number-boxes. Flush with my success from the TTF folder, I simply did

chmod 444 fonts -R

on the main font folder, which means that now, of course, NONE of my fonts work under the user account. Everything works just fine under root, but I'm trying to break the habit of being root all the time (bad habit I picked up fresh from windows).

So my question is - what exactly did I f*ck up, and how do I get my fonts working in my main user account?

Thanks in advance
Old 03-23-2006, 03:52 PM   #2
LQ Addict
Registered: Dec 2003
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My guess is that you chmodded all subdirectories 444 (or at least the top ones). If so you wouldn't be able to enter those directories.
If you chmod recursively, you should probably skip applying the chmod to directories themselves.
Old 03-23-2006, 04:36 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu, Debian
Posts: 56

Rep: Reputation: 15
Yes, I believe mikshaw is right.

If you want to ADD read permissions without changing write or execute permissions (execute is required to change into a directory), I suggest you go like this:

chmod -R a+r *
Here's some examples:

a = All users
u = Owner (User)
g = Group
o = Other
r = Read
w = Write
x = Execute

You can combine them, like this:

to give users and groups read/write permissions to this directory and all files & subdirectories:
chmod -R ug+rw ./

to deny all other people execute permissions:
chmod o-x *

Hope this helps



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