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Old 12-15-2008, 05:33 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2007
Location: Norway
Distribution: Slackware 14.1
Posts: 446

Rep: Reputation: 59
Issues with multihead and single videocard

I got bored so I wanted to get multiseat working. I only have one videocard and I'm aware of the limitations. I read in a post here that it would need commercial software. I didn't read that until it worked 90%. (So my computer probably didn't know that :P)

I've got two main obstacle left:
1. If I use xdm, it works perfectly until one of the users decides to log of. For some reason both X-servers shut down and one of screens (The one thats logged on) turns black. (And if I remember correctly, i would have to reboot to get the monitor up again).

2. If I use kdm, it doesn't read the resolution properly. When I test each layout manually, they both work (And simulations as well with xdm). But at my TV I see the Nvidia logo, and after some flickering, the screen goes black.

Has anyone done/experienced something similar? Is this because I'm running this on a single video-card, or is is because I have something wrong with the settings? A second videocard is already on its way in the mail, so I guess the answer is a few days away. I'm only curious why I have those funny issues.


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