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Old 11-19-2004, 02:03 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Porto, Portugal
Distribution: Fedora Core 3
Posts: 22

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Unhappy Is this whole package thing "normal"?

I've started a thread today due to some gDesklets issues, but after a whole afternoon of hair pulling I'm getting crazy...

Wheneer I try to install a package it is dependant on another package that isn't installed, when I download that one it is also dependent on another one that isn't installed, when I try to install that one it says that it's already installed, so I force the installation, but I still need to install another package, which need another package and so on.

I seem to have reached a dead end with xorg-x11-libs-6.8.1-12.FC3.1 RPM for i386. I tried to force install that one 4 times but it always says it's not installed!

I just want to get gDesklets working here, but it seems impossible! I've done everything! I've googled everything in sight, searched every forum, tried IRC BUT I CAN'T GET ANY HELP!!!!

Is this normal? Why did only 1 person answered my previous post!?

Anyway, I'm (trying) to use Fedora Core 3 almost freshly installed (with workstation settings plus everything in each category, like all programming packages, all gnome packages, and so on) and fully updated.

C'mon... help me out please 'cause I'm going crazy! I really want to learn how to user linux and get rid of MS, but I'm not getting much help...

BTW: Is this a problem with my dist or something? is it normal for a person to spend a whole afternoon downloading stuff just to fill the dependencies?!

Old 11-19-2004, 02:22 PM   #2
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it's because nobody really knows. you're always going to get different dependency problems depending on your version of linux and what you have installed, and what version of what software you are trying to install. yum and apt and other install managers can be very helpfull in these situations, but you're rarely going to run into someone who knows just what packages in what distribution you will need for some package.

it normal to spend loads of time when you really want to get something working, but you will get much better at it. or you can wait until later when the package comes it's dependencies in some other distribution.
Old 11-20-2004, 09:37 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Yes.... I see...

So it is normal, I take it... But I also would guess that that means that with time the dependencies would be less and less of a problem 'cause by then I'd have 100000 librarys installed... right?

(I didn't know it was so hard to get something to work in linux).
Old 11-20-2004, 09:59 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
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It's not normal, only in RPM based distros like Fedora Core and Mandrake, it's called "RPM dependeny HELL", try Slackware, my installation takes about 800 MB and i can run almost everything in this world
Old 11-20-2004, 10:09 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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And is it good for a linux noob like myself?
Old 11-20-2004, 10:25 AM   #6
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No not realy, its more for the newbie that is wanting to learn some linux. The install is a seriouse no brainer, it is almost close to a regular installer. Its after you install that (though you can still have an easy to use KDE desktop, and play a million games, you would think that is taking up 10 gigs on your harddrive) you have to change certain config files, and pluging in a game controller, isn't as easy as they do it in Mandrake, you have to go into /etc/rc.d/rc.modules, or something, and find the module you need for the game controller (it'll say the brand) and you'll have to uncomment it. And so forth.
If you don't think that's what you think is a fun desktop, then you should try "slackware" based, or "debian" based distrobutions, like Xandros, or Knottix, (not knoppix, the one thats for hard drive install) or the ultra slick, and fast Vector linux.


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