Originally Posted by baldurpet
When I move files with the mv command, it simply waits until the file has moved and then the command prompt appears again.
This is fine, but there are two things which are rather annoying - There is no progress bar: When moving really large files, you have no idea how long the move is going to take. Is there possible to produce a progress bar to show how much has finished?
- You can't do anything while you're moving: You can't use the command prompt while you're moving the file/files.
I'm currently not using a Linux computer (I'm at school) but maybe it's possible to write mv <file> <location> &, I just thought of that just now (yaya, noob).
Is it maybe possible to use another program than mv to move you files?
No, if you look at the man page for CP, there is no option to put a 'progress bar' on the screen. You can turn on verbose logging, which will tell you what's being moved, and what it's doing, but that's about it.
There are other programs like midnight commander that may give you this option. You can also use a GUI based tool like Dolphin or Konqueror, which will give you your progress bar.
As far as not being able to use the command prompt, you can put the task into the background with the "&" (like "cp -R /myhome/* /newhome/ &"), and have the command prompt free. Or, you can start up as many other terminal windows as you'd like.....